
Space Whale

In October 2014 I took a break for buying a house, but the deal didn't close for a few more months, so I had plenty of time to build some games. Like in Ludum Dare I challenged myself for creating a game in a limited amount of time (48 hours). This results in constantly ditching ideas and focussing on the 'must haves'.
After level four, the space craft and its lasers travel at about the same speed, making it hard to hit anything. Here, in level 4, it is just doable.

The first game I created, was a recreation of a game I created with 6 others in one week to learn using Microsoft's XNA platform. In the game, the user flies through a tunnel with obstacles which can be avoided or shot for points. The spacecraft slides along the inside of the tube, practically rotating the craft around the centre of the screen. Simple, but hard enough in just 48 hours with an unknown game engine (jMonkeyEngine).

The game development taught me about loading models, displaying information (text) and the basics of jMonkeyEngine It was a fruitful exercise and the start of a series of small games. If you want to see the end result, download the game from BitBucket. Have fun!